Terms Masterlist!


Someone who doesn't experience age incogruence. The individual is in adequacy with their chronological age. Cisage is the opposite of transage.

Age Questioning

Individuals who are questioning if they’re transage/altage.

Age Incongruence

The discordance bewteen one's internal age and one's chronological (or physical) age.


Having an alignment with certain age(s) regardless of your actual chrono/intra age; Feeling more in touch with or having connections to certain age(s) without necessarily identifying as said age.


Misage it's the act of reffering to someone with a word, an age that doesn't correspond to their (intra) age. It can be volountary or accidental.

Intrage, Endoage, Innerage

alternative labels for internal age.


Someone who feel their are between 35-60 years old.


An umbrella term describing those who feel their age can be best described through kids, and/or being one.

Transage child

Any person identifying with a young age


Means having multiple intra-ages , either at the same time or moving between different ages identities at different times. (Biage, triage, polyage, panage).


Refers to someone whose (internal) age changes over time. An agefluid individual can feel as any ages or combination of ages at any given time. Their(s) age(s) can change at random or it may vary in response to different circumstances. One's internal age can change over the course of minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years.

Age Regression

When someone reverts to a younger state of mind. Usually used as a coping mechanism.


Is transage identity describing the experiencing of having an absence, a blank space or void where an age might otherwise be.


Includes all forms of discrimination, segregation and contempt based on age.


Fear, hate, aversion and more generally negative perceptions/ discriminations against transage individuals.


A system of thoughts, behaviors and representations who consider all individuals of their assigned date at birth/physical age or percieve transage individuals as inferiors, less legitimate to cisage individuals. Chrononormativity is a system of oppression.

Agepunk or Agefuck

Is an age identity as well as a declared opposition to ageism. It is an identity that based on a resistance against age norms, transagemisia and oppression and societal status. One’s actual age has nothing to do with being agepunk, and one does not have to self identify as transage to be agepunk.


Umbrella term for transage identities who are best described through how they relate to things, beings, or concepts that most individuals don't think of as having to do with age, such as animals, plants, objects, or concepts.. (Nounage, aesthetiage, neuroage, mutage..).

Tanner Classification

The Tanner scale (also known as the Tanner Stages or Sexual Maturity Rating (SMR)) is a scale of physical development in (physical) children, adolescents and adults. The scale defines physical measurements of development based on external primary and secondary sex characteristics, such as the size of the breasts, genitals, testicular volume and development of pubic hair.

Chronological Age

How many years you've been on earth.

Civil Age

Is the age that appears on the civil status.

Physiological Age

The physiological age reflects the physiological or functional state of the individual. This physiological age can correspond to the chronological age of the individual or not.


Assigned date at birth.

Age Dysphoria

Describes unease, depression, discomfort, anxiety or distress that accompanies the discordance between an individual's internal age and their chronological age and/or the age others percieve as. It's important to note that not all transage individuals experience age dysphoria, and different individuals may feel dysphoria in different amounts, different ways, or towards different parts of the body. The opposite of age dysphoria is age euphoria.

(Age) Body Dysphoria

It's the discomfort with one's body and/or how it functions. Individuals can feel dysphoria about many different things. Age dysphoria can be confused with gender dysphoria since a lot of the body parts/functions that can potentially cause dysphoria in a transage individual are the same body parts that can cause gender dysphoria in transgender individuals. (Breast, body hair, menstruations, voice, fat distribution, height..) Individual do not have to be dysphoric about all parts of their body. One may be dysphoric about certain traits but be fine with others. The exact traits that one is dysphoric about may change throughout one's life.

Social Dysphoria

Dysphoria is a discomfort/distress with how one is seen by other individuals. Examples include dysphoria caused by being misaged by strangers, or being called with adult/child/teen (etc) terms.

Age Euphoria

The state of euphoria one feels from being affirmed in their age identity.

Age Passing

Is when an individual is assumed or perceived to be a certain age.

Age Presentation or Age Expression

Refers to how one’s appearance and behavior is categorized by society in relation to age. While age presentation is often thought of as being an indication of one’s actual age, that is not always the case. For example, an cisage-adult may present younger, a cisage-teenager may present older, or a transage-teen may present in an adultish way. It's important to note that your age presentation do not necessary align with your internal age. The main difference is that internal age refers to your inner feeling to be a certain age. It is indepedent from age stereotypes and can be combined with any type of age-presentation.


Fear, disgust, hate of aging.


The term adultism is used to describe the oppression of youth by adults, and refers to a concept that is considered to have the same "power", the same impact on the lives of those who experience it as racism or sexism. It is defined as ''behaviors and attitudes based on the assumptions that adults are more capable than young people, and therefore have the right to decide for young people without their consent. Adultism is also considered in psychology to be "a fondness for the attitudes, ideas, beliefs, and actions of adults. Adultism is commonly referred to as a "bias" or "tendency" toward adults. Adultism is commonly used to describe any discrimination against young people and is distinguished from ageism, which is simply prejudice because of age (and not specifically against young people). It often overlaps with ableism.

Adultist Attitudes

Personal feelings, assumptions, and beliefs that influence a person's attitude about youth (it is also called internalized adultism).

Cultural Adultism

Shared attitudes, induced or spread by beliefs and customs, that assume that adults are superior to anyone not identified as such, simply by virtue of the fact that they are not a part of the group.

Anti-Aging Medicine

Branch of medicine combining the knowledge of nutrition, micronutrition, hormonology and the techniques of aesthetic medicine (not to be confused with cosmetic surgery) and aiming to reduce the risks of premature aging, both psychically, physically and aesthetically.