Hello there web-traveller! This site is a site containing information, labels and much more of the term "transage".

For now, lets go over the flag and the definition of transage

Transage is when their original or chrono age is different from their age identity. They can flucate between ages. This mostly occurs with neurodivergent, systems, trauma, age regression and/or age dysphoria. It is not related to the 4chan troll clovergender, an excuse for pedophilia or child abuse. This term is not new and has been around since 2008.

This is the transage flag! It's made by antifaperix on devianart

According to them, these are what the colors mean

Orange - Beings who are older than their time lived
Yellow - Nonlinear and otherwise non-traditional age identities
White - Opposition to oppression and systems that perpetuate it, including capitalism, gatekeeping, and things like ageism and age norms
Pink - Beings that are younger than their time lived
Purple - Ageflux and agefluidity

Now with that out of they way, feel free to explore the site!